
All tufted Stuff (TM) is glued with industrial carpet glue to ensure longevity; however, I highly recommend handling your Stuff like it's a beautiful newborn baby. Here's some tips on how to get the most out of your Stuff:

  1. Please do not machine wash - use a non-abrasive soap and warm water if any stains occur.
  2. If there are any loose strings I recommend cutting them as soon as you notice to avoid the tufting unraveling. 
  3. Since everything is made by hand, there may be some flaws or issues with your Stuff that you notice over time - please reach out to me at and I am happy to fix anything free of charge!
  4. I'm sure there's more but I can't think of it right now, just shoot me an email or use the Contact form on the site if you have any questions!